Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Sappy mom stuff

Tonight as my kiddos went to church with Michael I usually stay behind and hang out with obi before I put him to bed. As we opened the door to their bedroom I saw one giant mess. Nothing unusual. A messy room is normal for this season of littles. Normally I tidy it up a bit before bedtime or we have a cleanup party with a timer and all, but tonight I just stared and was flooded with emotions maybe because of all the tragedies that surround us daily, monthly, yearly. I feel that these past 2 years I have heard story after story of children leaving this earth far too soon. I can't imagine. I have no words just pure emotion.

Back to my view of this room, the mess, it's expected , of course, but tonight it was cherished. cherished   
Someday that mess will turn into new hobbies, posters and friends so tonight I wanted to document every little image that I wanted to remember forever. I didn't see a mess more like imagination coming to life in this little space we've given them. Memories being made, forts being built, character building (fancy word for fighting with your siblings) ha! tea party and lots of cooking, dress up and tiny houses, reading nooks with twinkle lights. Your probably thinking I'm the biggest weirdo ever and don't get me wrong I LOVE a clean house, but there has always been something about my children's room being well played in that makes me happy at the end of the day, I like it almost as much as them coming in covered in dirt from playing outside. Dirt in my house though not so much. Outside however I love it. So instead of putting the toys back and letting the kids come home to a clean room I left everything in place and me and Obi played before his bedtime and I loved every minute of it. Its a rare thing, but so deeply cherished.

"Motherhood is not a battle against other mothers.
Motherhood is YOUR journey with YOUR children."

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