Sunday, September 20, 2015

Y O U N G L I F E // take a hike

I like pretty pictures with deep words. I don't have either of those tonight, however, I have a quiet moment. silence to hear my thoughts. You see life is busy for my family right now. BUSY! Despite our chaotic calendar. One of my favorite events  is back on the schedule.... Young Life club!!! Don't let all the pictures on the Forks Young Life page fool you now, it's more than dress-up themes, and the gnarliest games you've ever played. It's a community of human beings wanting to spread hope and a future for the next generation. 

 I went to Young Life camp this year as a leader and for a "rural" community we brought the most kids from our area! Thankfully we're not short of volunteer leaders either... man, thats huge. In the moment of hearing "how was camp?" I wish my response could physically be ripping my heart out, and handing it to them to switch inside their own chest, and feel what I feel for these friends of mine. My heart breaks with their heartaches, and rejoices with their excitement. I often feel like a proud big sister or something like that with a large mommy heart to go with that. I want to hand them the world of possibility, and love to give them for accomplishing all that they want in life, and yet, I can't. I can't because I myself am just like them ...human...a person trying to find the gems, and stay alive in my own journey. Then you see it. I volunteer because of the greater hope, the One who creates, and mends the broken hearted, the friend, the provider, the good good father

These, these are my friends. The ones that are teaching me how to love better, and sacrifice more of me for a greater good that I can only describe as pure joy. Relationships are everything. Friendships can go so deep past the weather, and small talk. I love this community, and even the support of our city. I'm beyond excited to see what this school year holds for us through the strange trails of life. Last year was not easy at all, but we're making it. Holding onto to each other side by side and waiting for the belly laughs of tomorrow.

"cabin time" in the woods today : )


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